Monday, October 21, 2013

Days 64-70

Sorry this entry is going to be really short without a day by day explanation but all I've really done was go to my classes at school and lay at home not feeling well over the weekend. 

However, on Tuesday I had to say goodbye to Tía A because she was heading back to Chile. She had been here so long that I was so used to having her around and it's weird without her here. On that same day, for lunch before she left, we had cow stomach with spicy sauce. It was actually really good but once again, I think I would've liked it better if I wouldn't have known what it was! Later that night, I finally got a chance to talk to the ladies in the salon salon again and show them all my pictures from my previous trip so that was really fun. 

Wednesdays are always the most boring days at school for me cuz they're classes I don't exactly have to take or the teachers just done give me work or tests. That night, I went to one of my classmates' house with a few other girls from my grade to make a low calorie meal (salad), medium calorie meal (suuuuper delicious meat with mushrooms and sauce with a side of fries), and high calorie meal (pizza) for our biology class the next day. We had a lot of fun and Shadia (the friend whose house we were at) had a Yorkie that reminded me of my sweet Yorkie in the USA, Dolce. 

Thursday, we tried the other 5 groups' food along with ours and did some work with the calorie count in each dish. That afternoon, after my afternoon classes, I had Spanish classes and afterwards is when I started to not feel good. It wasn't my stomach this time!! But my whole body ached really bad. This lasted until this morning (Monday). 

On Friday, I had Spanish classes for 4 hours in the afternoon and then a rotary meeting that lasted later than normal. I got home from it at 1:15 in the morning! Adrianna (other exchange student here) and I were both almost falling asleep durning the meeting!

I finally finished up my 2 weeks of Spanish classes (remember I had started in September), that were interrupted by all my trips, in the morning on Saturday. My teacher and I ended up talking about some more personal things rather than reviewing other stuff but I really enjoyed talking with her. When I got home from my classes, I was supposed to model for my mom's salon and shoe store at the fair thing that's going on in Sucre right now and then hang out with my friends but I literally felt like I could not get up. 

Sunday, I did some major cleaning in the morning before heading to eat salteñas with my family. After salteñas, they dropped me off at church so I could meet my grandparents there. After church, I went out to eat with everyone (mamá, papá, Nico, Abuelita, and Miguel) and I got my craved mashed potatoes! I had been wanting them for so long! The rest of the night was sitting around trying to get rid of a headache. 

Today, Monday, we watched a movie that I liked during religion. In English it's called "We Are the Nobles". The rest of my classes were normal and boring. During the afternoon, I walked to buy some art supplies for tomorrow, pick up some papers from the Spanish school I had attended, and buy a Spanish bible! Then I just relaxed the rest of the night hoping to actually get some sleep!

The adorable Yorkie, Shusha, that my friend Shadia owns. 

MaJo, Ara, and me while we're bored at school

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