Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Days 92-99

On Tuesday, we finished up those flower art projects and all my friends seemed to like mine. My teacher also knows how awful I am at drawing but he thinks I loooove painting since my picture turned out alright. After my afternoon classes, I picked up some bananas and the vender gave me 3 extra for free just because I told her how much I liked bananas. (: Then I had my tae bo class and walked home with Shadia (a girl from my class who is also in the tae bo classes) before heading to bed.

We watched some really cute little videos in philosophy on Wednesday because there was really nothing else to do. We got out of classes 10 minutes early which has been normal for the past few school days but we still had to wait for papá to come so it was a long wait in the hot sun. And you aren't allowed to wear shorts to school (boys or girls) as part of the dress code that was created this year along with adding the uniform shirts. That afternoon, Adrianna came over so we could work on some Spanish and hang out for awhile and then she left when I had to go to tae bo. I met the instructor, Fernando, personally tonight and he's one of those comical, good humored kind of people, so that's always nice. 

We had 2 tests in biology on Thursday, but knowing they were my last biology tests for the year helped me out a little bit. Plus, I had done my homework so the teacher was on good terms with me. I went back to my history class in the afternoon and had 2 more tests! But the teacher gave us a lot of time to look over our notes in class so I actually did pretty good. After my tae bo class, I was in a great mood and I spent some time talking to the ladies in the salon before heading up to my room.

On Friday, we had a group test in math but I can never think well when working in a group and the two people I was working with weren't too sure on any of the problems so I don't know how that went. That afternoon, I walked to the Plaza for awhile where I saw one of the high school girls that works in the salon, so I ended up walking back to the house with her. That night, I had my Rotary meeting where I met a few people from other Rotary clubs who were visiting guests. We had a seafood type supper and I normally LOVE seafood but this was definitely not my favorite. I hope I can find other seafood (other than fish) that tastes really good here in Bolivia, but we'll see!

I woke up in a really good mood on Saturday, and had the entire morning to relax (as I'm never able to sleep in past 8:30). After lunch, I walked to El Mercado Campesino with Nicolasa to buy food for me for the week. Food meaning bananas, mangos, and peanuts. (: Papá was headed out on a business trip for a few days, and mamá and Nico were headed to some tennis camp for a week so I would be staying with Abuelita and Miguel for awhile again. At 6, I walked to a bible study group/event thing at my church where I met a lady who I think is from Brazil. She was speaking Portuguese because she doesn't know much Spanish but she was extremely outgoing! Of course, she had to take a ton of pictures of our little group too. After the bible study, I took a taxi to the movie theater where I met my friend and we went to Thor 2. I love going to the theater here!

When I woke up Sunday morning, I headed up to Abuelita's kitchen to make cheese empanadas and meat empanadas with Abuelita and Paula (another high school girl who works in the salon). None of us had ever made them before so it was a fun little experience for all of us. They still turned out yummy but we're going to improve on them next time. (: I spent the afternoon relaxing and watching some movies until eating dinner and spending some time with Abuelita and my uncle Miguel.

On Monday, the reinforcement list came out at school. If you're on the list, it means you have really low grades in one or more of your classes and you have to continue going to school for 2 more weeks. If you don't show up to school, I'm pretty sure you get kicked out or get in some serious trouble. If you're not on the list, your summer break starts. I don't even have overall grades in most of my classes and I had permission to leave so my summer break has officially started! No school again until February!! :D That afternoon, I spent a few hours talking to Nicolasa and getting to know her better. We're both so used to having each other around and we enjoy each other's company. Before my tae bo class, I bought some beads to make earrings when I get bored this summer and after my tae bo class, I was going to take advantage of my first night of vacation by staying up late watching movies but ended up falling asleep at 10:30....

Today (Tuesday), I tried to sleep in but failed miserably and ended up watching cartoons instead. Then I had lunch with Nicolasa and now I have the rest of the afternoon to relax until my tae bo class.

My finished flower painting from art class

Ara, my friend from school, and me being silly during down time at school

The empanadas we made on Sunday before we fried them (: Gotta love baking/cooking!

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