Thursday, August 15, 2013

Days 1-3

No pictures yet but I'm finally settled into my house in Sucre and I am definitely loving it! I have my own bedroom and bathroom, there's a big desk perfect for all my stuff and for doing homework when I start school, a tv, and lots of closet space. There's even a perfect place to store all of my shoes! (After I get some more.) (: My host family is absolutely wonderful and they said that now I am their hija. When I first arrived on Sunday in Santa Cruz Rodolfo (my host Grandpa) picked me up from the airport and I slept most of the afternoon because I was feeling sick from the change in altitude. After I woke up he took me to La Cabaña Rio Piraí where there is tons of little eating places, cars driving around very crazy, and people riding horses everywhere! I got to ride one of the horses for 2 hours around La Cabaña and I made my first friend, 15 year old Fernando. At first he just guided the horse around and then he got on with me. He would make the horse walk or run while I would steer and stop the horse. It was a lot of fun! Later that night we picked up my family from the airport and went out to get something to eat. I tried some yuca and I love it! The next day we took Mauricio (mi papá) and Nico (my 11 year old brother) to the airport so they could fly back to Sucre. Carola (mi mamá) and I stayed one more night and then flew to Sucre the next day. (Thank goodness we didn't have to drive!) After we dropped off Nico and Mauricio at the airport, Carola and I went to get some breakfast and I got to have more yuca. Then we walked around La Plaza and we went into lots of shops. Apparently I'm not the only one who loves shoes. (: Carola stopped in several shoe stores! After we flew to Sucre the next day, she showed me around the house and I unpacked and settled in. I really like Sucre because it's quieter than Santa Cruz and the driving isn't so crazy. Then I went with mi papá to pick up Nico from school and he showed me around the city a bit. Their are two main mountains named after a legend of two kings. The mountains are called Churuquella and Sica Sica. When we got back home we had some lunch and I had some really good helado (ice cream) for dessert. After that mi mamá and I took Nico to his tennis practice and on the way she stopped to buy some more yuca for me. (: The rest of the afternoon I had some time to myself until I went with Carola to pick up Nico and some supper to ring home. On the way home Nico played a game with me where we go through the alphabet and I have to say a Spanish word that starts with each letter. After supper I gave them the gifts I had brought from the United States and showed them some pictures of me and Seward. I also met their dog Chachi. Then I Skyped my parents until Nico wanted me to go read a book to him, play some games on their tablet, and watch tennis on TV. We hung out in Mauricio and Carola's room for the rest of the night until I went to get ready for bed. I found it's SO much easier to sleep here. I learned one thing for sure... I'm going to try everything they offer because the food here is muy rico. Now I like mushrooms, tea, and coffee and I haven't before! Well mi abuelita just came to get me so we could go downstairs to their salon for a while. Chao! 

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